Category: Uncategorized
My student Chetan Kumar received CIS Graduate Research Award for the year 2020
Will organize tutorial “Robust Multi-view Visual Learning: A Knowledge Flow Perspective” at IJCAI-2020
received University-Industry Collaborative Seed Funding ($28K) from UMD
Grateful to receive University-Industry Collaborative Seed Funding ($28K) from UMD as co-PI.
Research talk on Adversary for Social Good at Brandies University
Grateful to receive ONR grant to support our Incremental Learning research
I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM-MM 2020
Will serve as Program Committee (PC) for ICML2020, KDD2020, and Senior Program Committee (SPC) for IJCAI2020
Do you believe that you can synthesize your child’s face images through Deep Learning?
Do you believe that you can synthesize your child’s face images through Deep Learning? See our recent work: What Will Your Child Look Like? DNA-Net: Age and Gender Aware Kin Face Synthesizer